[Leica] Current State of Displays?

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Sat Aug 5 18:07:45 PDT 2017

A display is like a projected slide. It has a 200 to 1 brightness to dark ratio. A print has a 50 to 1 ratio.
Its apples and oranges always has been that’s why I laugh when they say “soft proof” weasel words at their worst. Meaningless.
I do think though after a few prints the relationship between what’s on the screen to what comes out of the printer is evident. And helps you with your next print. It’s a hell of a lot easier than printing in the darkroom.
It’s hard to compete with a huge 27 inch 5k screen but a quality print well-crafted from pigment ink on 100% rag paper, Hahnemühle from Germany has its own thing going for it which could grab you a few grand if you can get in with the right gallery people and your work is up to it.
I’ll say I’d rather be looking at a well crated print then any rgb screen or projected slide anyday.


Mark William Rabiner

On 8/3/17, 3:30 PM, "LUG on behalf of Howard L Ritter Jr" <lug-bounces+mark=rabinergroup.com at leica-users.org on behalf of hlritter at twc.com> wrote:

    I have an instance of Apple’s original 27” 5K iMac, and I am no less impressed every time I compose a photo on it than I was when it was new and I first enthused about it on the LUG. I’m not a professional, so I can’t bring that kind of discernment to judging its color gamut, contrast, color “accuracy” and so on, but I note that images on it closely resemble the images on the LEDs of my M and my Nikon 810A.
    Probably unrelated is that I cannot get accurate color printing and overall lightness from either of my Epson Stylus printers driven by either of my iMacs, despite calibration with a Spyder. FWIW, the prints look basically identical to each other, just not to the display or the camera’s LCD. I’m still working on this.
    > On Aug 3, 2017, at 10:27 AM, Akhil Lal <alal at nyu.edu> wrote:
    > Hello All,
    > Seeking opinions from this group on the current state of displays.
    > I'm looking for something in the  21" -27" range - want  plenty of real
    > estate-  and 5k resolution would be nice. What current model display would
    > list members recommend for digital photography?
    > Full disclosure: Saw a demo of the new iMac 27" last week.  All I can say
    > is wow! Not sure. however, whether the imac's display has the colour range
    > and adjustments are completive with stand alone displays, hence my question.
    > Also, what is the current preference for calibrators? Spyder or X-rite ,
    > or...?
    > All comments and suggestions are welcomed.
    > Thanks in advance.
    > Akhil
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