[Leica] Happy Passover, Happy Easter

Bernard Quinn bjq1 at mac.com
Sat Apr 15 11:27:35 PDT 2017

For everyone who is celebrating them, Happy Easter and Happy Passover. Otherwise, have a Daffodil. Judy planted dozens of them in her garden last fall and we have plenty.

The Spring air is alive with important Spiritual ideas, no matter what your spiritual tradition or non tradition. Growth. Birth. New Life. Redemotion. Love. Light. You name it. Think about spending a moment meditating on these because the world is very much in need of them at the present moment.

http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Barney/Yellow+Daffodil.jpg.html <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Barney/Yellow+Daffodil.jpg.html>

Comments and Criticisms Welcome!



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