[Leica] new photo, a napping great gray owl

lkhermann at bresnan.net lkhermann at bresnan.net
Sun Apr 2 18:34:13 PDT 2017

Jim, Thanks for the comments. Full spring is not here yet, snow again

	-----------------------------------------From: "Jim Nichols" 
To: "Leica Users Group"
Sent: 01-Apr-2017 21:23:10 +0000
Subject: Re: [Leica] new photo, a napping great gray owl


 The lens seems to do fine. Copying this link from your gallery will 
 make it easier for folks to find it.

 Jim Nichols
 Tullahoma, TN USA

 On 4/1/2017 4:17 PM, Lee K Hermann wrote:
 > Good day, LUG.
 > It has been so long since I read the LUG and sent photos to be seen
that I have forgotten how it is done. This must be one of the problems
of getting old. Lately I have been reading the list. This is in part
that I developed an interest in the Leica SL but it is unused as I
have abandoned film and it and my M’s and screw mount cameras sit
holding down the floor of shelf. So far I love it even if it seems to
have more controls and menus than any of my old SLRs. I have no SL
lenses and have been using my M and R lenses. These lenses seem to
work very well, but someday I shall buy a new lens.
 > I have added a photograph to my gallery, Lee Hermann.
 > This photo was taken with the SL and a 400 mm f6.8 Telyt R, ISO
1600, using a monopod. The bird, a great gray owl, was seen as we were
counting migratory birds. He seemed quite sleepy. I got to within 30
to 50 feet of him. He did not seem to want to open his eyes, which are
large and yellow. After the snaps, I left him to his nap.
 > The old 400mm lens seems to have worked pretty well, made in 1971.
I hope that you will be able to find the photo in the gallery.
 > Lee
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