[Leica] Free Firewood

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Thu Sep 29 20:16:35 PDT 2016

It's not so funny, Chris.  If you use it, you have to cut it into usable 
lengths.  If you use a power saw, and the blade hits a nail, it can ruin 
the blade, and the debris can put out an eye.

Be very cautious of free wood with nails.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 9/29/2016 7:44 PM, Christopher Crawford wrote:
> I found this funny sign offering free firewood in Mishawaka, Indiana. It
> says "Free Firewood. Has Nails, So What."
> http://chriscrawfordphoto.com/chris-details.php?product=2490

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