[Leica] Hillary For Prison Sign Behind Barbed Wire

Sonny Carter sonc.hegr at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 08:32:35 PDT 2016

It may be that Ted was referring to the caption, but he didn't say that,
neither did Steve or Montie.

The caption explains how Chris thought the barbed wire was emphasis and
that he found his impression incorrect, and I don't see it as a reference
to Chris's beliefs.

You don't have to like what Chris shoots, for that matter what any of us

However,  if this board is gonna be open to snickering at people, then it
certainly should be tolerant of honest documentation.

Chris gets out there rain or shine, spending his hard earned time and money
to do his art.

Look at his bio, examine his body of work, and you'll find one of the most
serious documentary artists on the LUG.


Natchitoches, Louisiana
Oldest Permanent Settlement in the Louisiana Purchase


On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 9:18 AM, Montie <montoid at earthlink.net> wrote:

> I believe Ted was probably referring to the comments that followed
> the photo post...not the photo itself.
> Montie
> >>To my mind, the photo was no indication of Chris's politics.
> Like many of his images it was a document of the state of mind in his part
> of the world.
> It was less a political statement of his stance than Jim's of LBGT events
> or even some Lluis's images.
> It was not judgemental in any way, unlike the frequent reactions of disgust
> over obesity, or drunk jokes about rosacea sufferers.
> I didn't like the content, but it's an image portraying something I live
> with everyday.  It's not even the worst I've seen.
> When people say they don't like flowers or cats, I don't care.  I want you
> to look at the photography, the light, the composition, not the pretty
> flower or the cute cat.
> Chris made no statement about his personal beliefs, but the composition was
> terrific, as usual, and the background elements combined to make a powerful
> image.
> Look at it again as a photographer.
> http://chriscrawfordphoto.com/chris-details.php?product=2489
> Regards,
> Sonny
> http://sonc.com/look/
> Natchitoches, Louisiana
> 1714
> Oldest Permanent Settlement in the Louisiana Purchase
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