[Leica] Fuji GFX compared to Leica SL

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Thu Sep 22 13:31:25 PDT 2016

You are most likely right, but there are (at least) 2 important questions to ask.... can I justify/afford a completely new system to achieve better technical results (an expense of $35+++k). And does my personal style and output NEED these better results

In my case, and, of course, YMMV, the much considered answer is no.

I use a Hasselblad 500c with various lenses, and a Leaf Aptus 65 back....  the MFDB dates from about 2006. The resultant setup is still more precise than I need.

Frank Filippone Red735i at verizon.net
On Thursday, September 22, 2016, John McMaster <john at mcmaster.fr> wrote:

I am afraid to say that Hasselblad V lenses show their limitations on an S, native lenses are far better....


-----Original Message-----

A really nice nteresting visual comparison shows the 2 cameras to be quite similar in styling, when viewed head-on.

Placement of user buttons is almost identical. More interesting is that the SL is actually larger than the GFX, but has the smaller sensor.

If I were in the MF market, the Leica S family might be higher on my short list. Hard to beat Leica glass....

Hassy V glass is pretty good too! (And I own it....)

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