[Leica] Need Help

Christopher Crawford chris at chriscrawfordphoto.com
Fri Sep 16 04:04:08 PDT 2016

That sucks. I updated my Mack Pro from Mavericks to El Capitan a while
back and Lightroom 5.5 works perfectly, as does the entire CS5 suite. None
of my software, including Microsoft Office, were broken.

Chris Crawford
Fine Art Photography
Fort Wayne, Indiana

http://www.chriscrawfordphoto.com  My portfolio

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On 9/16/16, 4:25 AM, "LUG on behalf of Karen Schreiber"
<lug-bounces+chris=chriscrawfordphoto.com at leica-users.org on behalf of
kpsphoto at gmail.com> wrote:

>My husband and I are going to Budapest, Prague, Dresden and Berlin with
>brother and sister-in laws Friday September 16th on a United flight. Since
>on United there is no entertainment except by iPhone, iPad, you have to
>download the United app and you can get to it on the Mac Book Pro if you
>have OS 10.10. Well I had Mavericks and downloaded El Capitan. Everything
>is awful, no Light Room 5 shows up, nothing is the same. Is Yosemite
>Should I go back to Mavericks? How do I uninstall? We leave tomorrow night
> 3pm PST and I have a hard time using my computer. I HATE the way
>everything works. I don't mind change, but the way the software is-it is
>not better!!
>Yes, this is a photographic post. I am taking a camera, luckily I don't
>have to learn anything about using my camera.
>Thanks, Karen Schreiber
>Leica Users Group.
>See http://leica-users.org/mailman/listinfo/lug for more information

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