[Leica] IMG: It's Sure Not El Raval !

lluisripollphotography lluisripollphotography at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 16:22:19 PDT 2016

Hi Jim,

Yes, she is cute and it is a nice scene, I agree that the old World has a different charm. 

I’ve read too the Ted’s comment, I have to say that at least my short experience on a week in NY in 2005 was a very pleasant photographic experience, and I had no problem at all shooting people, well … many time I was with my cloak of invisibility…. , but seriously some pictures I took pointing directly my camera to the people and been clearly noticed I never had a problem, the people was always very kind, maybe NYC is a special different place for the touristic influence…?

My humble advice when do you shoot people is never feel “guilty” to have shot them, if your attitude was this one the people would ask himself what this man has do and why…? If they noticed me I smile looking for complicity with them, other times I do an idiot expression looking around as ‘m photographing everything I see. Don’t have a complex if you shot a beautiful lady, if you do it with respect generally you will never have a problem they are happy to see that someone has appreciated she are beauty …. Many times, after shooting I establish a conversation with the person and I keep her/his mail to send them the photo.

Of course, before to point my camera to someone I point it to a different area to allow me prepare the proper settings and later shot very fast the person, I usually operate in manual settings. 

I hope this helps...



> El 10 set 2016, a les 1:54, Jim Nichols <jhnichols at lighttube.net> va escriure:
> I always admire the images that Lluis and others post of the characters that haunt the restaurants and watering holes of Barcelona's El Raval.  When I go out in my small town, the clientele are completely different.  The "old world" has a lot more charm! But, the little lady was a cutie!
> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/Not+El+Raval.jpg.html
> Comments and critiques welcomed and appreciated.
> -- 
> Jim Nichols
> Tullahoma, TN USA
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