[Leica] FS: Leica M 24mm f3.8 - Lower Price

Robert Baron robertbaron1 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 15:02:37 PDT 2016

No. 11 648, black, M mount, 6 bit coded, very clean, with case, box,
book/papers, caps, hood.  $1399 express insured shipped w/in the US,
elsewhere at additional actual cost, PayPal ok.  If interested please
contact me off list: rbaron at concentric dot net

Photos of the lens are available.

This is a newly lowered price.  I am surprised by the number of copies of
this lens for sale on the internet and how few seem to be selling.  I also
have been told the demand for used M 240s is very, very low.  I am
therefore following my customary practice:  Buy high, sell low.


--Bob Baron / Oklahoma City

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