[Leica] Le Midi PAW 42

John McMaster john at mcmaster.fr
Sun Oct 16 02:52:58 PDT 2016

Thanks Douglas, she is on the mend and due for a small operation to fix things in a couple of weeks' time.


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Great set, artfully done, John. Hope your wife gets better soon.


----- Original Message ----- 

Other half was well enough to go for a drive around the coast, Bages and 
Peyriac-de-Mer, last Sunday. When we got to Peyriac it was unusually busy 
and could see some stalls so we parked up. Posters in shop windows showed 
that there was to be a 'parade vénitienne audois' happening about an hour 
later. So we stayed for that which was quite impressive for a small village, 
even more impressive given the complexity of the costumes was that this was 
the first parade they had done. There looked to be a camera club outing, 
many FF Canikons with big lenses, however none of them seemed to care how 
the light was falling and were happy to shoot costumes half in bright 
sunlight and half in shade!


C & C welcome


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