[Leica] Best Learning Camera

Adam Bridge abridge683 at fastmail.com
Wed Nov 30 09:57:30 PST 2016

If I were me I’d go the M8 route with an affordable 35mm or 50mm lens. She’ll learn to make her own decisions because she’ll have to. The controls aren’t fussy, the camera is a brick.

Rangefinder instead of mirrorless? Good to know about framing, about seeing. The camera will help her. 

AND the camera has history - it’s connected to you. You’ll get to tell her about using it. It’ll have a meaning that a new camera could never have. Brassed? Even better.

Great presents connect past and future, giver and receiver.

The M8 would make a wonderful gift. Then use the extra money to find a lens or two on e-bay or somewhere. They don’t have to be fabulous optics, just good enough to learn. 

And no matter what decision you make she’ll always have grandma to talk to about her photos: priceless!


> On 2016 Nov  29, at 8:44 AM, Tina Manley <tmanley at gmail.com> wrote:
> LUG:
> My granddaughter is 15 and into all things artistic.  She is taking
> photography in high school and is very interested, following me around
> asking lots of good questions.
> I'd like to get her a good camera for Christmas that she can use to learn.
> She's very interested in f stops and focal lengths and the differences they
> make.
> One choice would be to give her one of my old M8's but the disadvantage to
> that is that she will not be able to afford extra lenses for it.  I have an
> old Elmar 65/3.5 that I would include but I don't have a lot of surplus
> lenses.
> Is there another digital camera out there that would be good for learning
> apertures, speeds, focal lengths?  Most of them are so automatic you don't
> ever have to know what those are but she wants to know!
> Thanks,
> Tina

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