[Leica] IMG: Kauai

Aram leica_r8 at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 26 12:46:43 PST 2016

Great shots, Bob. Looks like a great time.  I love the turtles on the beach. 
Wonderful shot.  And the B&W of the surfer is also a favorite.


Aram Langhans
(Semi) Retired Science Teacher
& Unemployed photographer

“The Human Genome Project has proved Darwin more right than Darwin himself 
would ever have dared dream.” James D. Watson
-----Original Message----- 
From: Robert Adler
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2016 5:28 PM
To: Leica Users Group
Subject: [Leica] IMG: Kauai

Finally spent a few days processing some images from our recent trip to
Kauai, HI. Hope you enjoy: C&C always welcome.
Sorry, no benches... ;-)

Bob Adler
*"Capturing Light One Frame At A Time"*

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