[Leica] IMG: Nikolai, for "Hearts on Our Sleeves" project

Philippe photo.philippe.amard at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 21:32:48 PST 2016

Better lighting, yet with a cold/blueish? cast on my monitor - or is it deliberate?.

I'd also try to get rid of the "thing" bottom right corner behind the seat.


Le 15 nov. 2016 à 23:29, Richard Man <richard at richardmanphoto.com> a écrit :

> http://richardmanphoto.com/PICS/20161114-Scanned-62.jpg
> Nikolai started transitioning just a week ago. The band on his wrist is
> from the hospital where he just obtained syringes for the Testosterone
> injections. Niko had always dressed and behaved in androgynous manners.
> There were many changes in his personal life in the last few years, and one
> day he realized that gender identity was one of the contributing factors in
> his depression. ⠀
>> For the project "Hearts on Our Sleeves - portraits and stories of
> transgender people on 4x5 large format film"
> -- 
> "Some People Drive, We Are Driven"
> // richard <http://www.richardmanphoto.com>
> richardmanphoto on Facebook and Instagram
> <https://instagram.com/richardmanphoto>
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