[Leica] IMG: Nostalgia
Jim Nichols
jhnichols at lighttube.net
Sun Nov 13 08:33:05 PST 2016
Thanks for your thoughts, Philippe. The only thing I would add to the
X-E1 would be an eye cup. As a glasses wearer, the stray light is very
bothersome when outdoors.
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
On 11/13/2016 8:53 AM, Philippe wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> I had one which I loved - Jean-Michel may still be using it btw
> The form factor and the rendition were what I wanted. The XT-1 I'm now using is more like the first OM reflexes ;-)
> Keep the good pictures coming dear Jim
> Amities
> Philippe
> Le 11 nov. 2016 à 04:44, Jim Nichols <jhnichols at lighttube.net> a écrit :
>> At 86, I'm probably a generation ahead of most LUGGERS, except for Dr. Ted, Larry and Herb. I bought my first Leica in 1952, before the M existed, and I've never owned an M or R. I started with a used Leica III, from 1935, which had been converted by the factory to a IIIa. That was my standard for a small camera. As my small contribution to an OM list discussion, I posted this image, made this morning.
>> http://zone-10.com/tope2/main.php?g2_itemId=21072
>> While Micro 4/3 is the favorite system with many people today, I still lean toward the size of the Barnacks. Consequently, I have enjoyed the Fuji offerings and will probably remain in that camp. While I have mentally compared the Fuji X-E1 and the Leica IIIf, I had not put them side by side until today. Not too different, wouldn't you say?
>> Comments and critiques welcomed and appreciated.
>> --
>> Jim Nichols
>> Tullahoma, TN USA
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