[Leica] IMG: Friday Flowers by Jupiter

Ted Grant tedgrant at shaw.ca
Fri Nov 11 13:24:48 PST 2016

Hi Jim,
I bet you could show this photo to folks and say?  "Man this LEICA LENS" is
just fantastic! And the response would be quite in the affirmative!
Colours look perfect along with all the sharp edge petals. Quite interesting
Of course we all know content results are 99.9% due to the photog shooting
and holding the camera. :-) GOOD on you Lad! Another good one!  :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+tedgrant=shaw.ca at leica-users.org] On Behalf Of
Jim Nichols
Sent: November-11-16 10:29 AM
To: LUG at Leica-Users.org; Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: [Leica] IMG: Friday Flowers by Jupiter

For some reason, it occurred to me this morning that the old Jupiter 8, 
50/2, low serial number, made for Kiev, lens that I have had for years, 
which wouldn't focus well on my Barnacks, might work just fine on the 
Fuji X-E1.  So I mounted it on double adapters and took it out for a 
spin.  The aperture setting turns freely, so I secured it with a rubber 

Shooting a brick wall showed proper focus, and no distortion, but I 
wanted a real subject.  I had seen this spot of color from a distance, 
so I checked out my neighbor's cool weather blooms.  To me, the Zeiss 
heritage shines through.


Comments and critiques welcomed and appreciated.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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