[Leica] Trump: Sexual Predator

Jean-Michel Mertz j2m46 at hotmail.fr
Thu Nov 3 05:37:46 PDT 2016

Hello Chris, it does take some courage, for you to post this, and for the people living in this house to make public their political opinion in a pro-Trump area / State. Generally, I find your photographs of great interest, Chris, for what they tell us about what's going on behind the scenes in your country and also because they are extremely well done - composition, context, etc.  Thank you!


Jean-Michel Mertz
68750 - Bergheim

De : LUG <lug-bounces+j2m46=hotmail.fr at leica-users.org> de la part de Christopher Crawford <chris at chriscrawfordphoto.com>
Envoyé : jeudi 3 novembre 2016 01:45
À : Leica Users Group <lug at leica-users.org>; olympus at thomasclausen.net
Objet : [Leica] Trump: Sexual Predator

I've been photographing a lot of political signs this year, with the
presidential election coming up soon. Indiana is solid Trump-country, but
there are a few here who oppose the loudmouthed businessman. I photographed
this house on Wells Street in Fort Wayne a few days ago.



Political sign for the 2016 Presidential Election | Trump Sexual Predator | Photograph by Christopher Crawford<http://chriscrawfordphoto.com/chris-details.php?product=2531>
An anti-Donald Trump sign in front of a victorian house on Wells Street in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The sign, which has a swastika drawn over it, says, Trump Sexual Predator.

Chris Crawford
Fine Art Photography
Fort Wayne, Indiana

http://www.chriscrawfordphoto.com  My portfolio


Documentary photography by Christopher Crawford | Fort ...<http://www.chriscrawfordphoto.com/>
Christopher Crawford Fine Art Photography ©2016 Christopher Crawford. 260-437-8990



Documentary Photography by Christopher Crawford | Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/pages/Christopher-Crawford/48229272798>
Documentary Photography by Christopher Crawford, Fort Wayne, IN. 862 likes · 18 talking about this. I am a fine art photographer in Fort Wayne, Indiana....

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