[Leica] Color Balance

Ken Carney kcarney1 at cox.net
Fri May 27 15:37:03 PDT 2016

I see "color balance" in PS (image>adjust>color balance) but do not see 
an auto option.  I do see image>auto color.  In LR I see auto white 
balance, but don't see an auto color option. If it is white balance, 
wouldn't you just use the WB eyedropper on a neutral area in LR or take 
from a gray card shot at the scene? Thx for any clarification.


On 5/27/2016 3:22 PM, Tina Manley wrote:
> Here is an example of the color balance difference I was talking about in
> PS and LR.  This one is much warmer and was balanced (Auto) in LR:
> http://tinamanley.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/Iran/G0000YmlbTddL96g/I0000VLhbE3XKhy4
> This one is colder and was balanced (Auto) in PS:
> http://tinamanley.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/Iran/G0000YmlbTddL96g/I0000EjVLusvOrsM
> The warmer one is closer to what I remember but the other one looks
> natural, too, to me, as long as it is not next to the first one!!
> Do you have a preference?
> Tina

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