[Leica] IMGS: Marquetry

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Fri May 20 09:39:18 PDT 2016


My Syrian refugee project is on hold until after the committee meeting on
Monday so I've gone back to Iran.

Our next adventure was visiting a craft center in Isfahan where artisans
are given a space to create their crafts which are for sale to tourists.
We were the only tourists there.  One workshop was making Khatam which is a
form of marquetry - inlaid pieces used to elaborately decorate boxes,
furniture and other things.  I had no idea how it was made.  Bundles of
strands of different kinds of wood, metal, gold are glued together and then
sliced very thinly and glued to the surfaces.
The process is tedious but beautiful!


and continue to end.  Click Less Info for a larger photo.
Coming up next, a family of locksmiths making unique locks.

C&C greatly appreciated.

Tina Manley

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