[Leica] Handling a M262 at the Zen Cafe

H&ECummer cummer at netvigator.com
Tue May 17 07:06:15 PDT 2016

Morning Luggers,
After the visit with Ted in Victoria and an overnight stay on Pender Island we (Geoff and Bron, Peter and Katya, Esther and me)
all headed to Vancouver and that meant gathering Friday morning at the Zen Cafe with Tom A. and Leica friends.
One of the friends, Mike, had just acquired an M262, a camera which interests me greatly, and I wanted to play
with it. Since I am famously known at the Zen for short circuiting M digital cameras just by touching them, Chris
Cameron lent me his motorcycle gloves so that I wouldn’t damage Mike’s camera. Here’s the photo taken by Chris:

<http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/Canada2016/8706W.jpg.html <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/Canada2016/8706W.jpg.html>>


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