[Leica] Want a 28 Summaron? You may be able to buy a new one soon.....

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Mon May 16 07:22:38 PDT 2016



Does this signal a 

1)    new line of retro Leica lenses? 

2)    New line of retro Leica cameras?

3)    Minimalist future for Leica?

4)    Pants pocket Leica ?  


I find it hard to believe that the optical department has the time to fiddle
with redesigning a 60 year old lens..


The last time Leica went nuts on weird stuff not really associated with
state of the art cameras and optics they almost went bankrupt.is this a new,
bad omen?


Frank Filippone

Red735i at verizon.net


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