[Leica] IMGS: Sheik Mohammed Reza Zamani

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Thu May 12 19:07:58 PDT 2016

He expresses himself very well with his hands!  I like the skin tones 
and colors that you get with the SL, assuming that this is the SL.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 5/12/2016 7:20 PM, Tina Manley wrote:
> Again, at the instigation of our guide, we met with another Muslim Imam, or
> as they prefer to be called Sheik (I've never heard that as a term applied
> to a teacher but that seems to be normal here)
> Sheik Mohammed Reza Zamani works for the cultural interpretation department
> of the Naseriyah Seminary.  He not only met with us and answered all of our
> questions and asked some of his own, he also took us into his office and
> shared his lunch that he had brought from home!!
> http://tinamanley.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/Iran/G0000YmlbTddL96g/I0000dj7p0NySEvc
> He was very animated.  There are several more photos.  I'm just getting to
> the shared lunch, but this was an awkward one.  Our guide disappeared.  We
> spoke no Farsi. The Sheik spoke very little English.  It was awkward!  But
> everybody seemed fine with the shared lunch!
> Tina

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