[Leica] IMGS: Sheik Mohammed Reza Zamani

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Thu May 12 17:20:44 PDT 2016


Again, at the instigation of our guide, we met with another Muslim Imam, or
as they prefer to be called Sheik (I've never heard that as a term applied
to a teacher but that seems to be normal here)

Sheik Mohammed Reza Zamani works for the cultural interpretation department
of the Naseriyah Seminary.  He not only met with us and answered all of our
questions and asked some of his own, he also took us into his office and
shared his lunch that he had brought from home!!


He was very animated.  There are several more photos.  I'm just getting to
the shared lunch, but this was an awkward one.  Our guide disappeared.  We
spoke no Farsi. The Sheik spoke very little English.  It was awkward!  But
everybody seemed fine with the shared lunch!


Tina Manley

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