[Leica] IMG: The Journal

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Wed May 11 11:23:59 PDT 2016


We stayed in some interesting places in Iran, mostly reserved ahead of time
by Travel the Unknown, but several that our guide knew about, too.  One
hotel that we knew we wanted to stay in was one we had stayed in 40 years
ago.  Then it was the Shah Abbas, now it is the Abbasi Hotel - an old
caravanserai converted to a hotel in Isfahan.  This is Tom on the balcony
of our room:


He is writing in his journal, where all of the information about all of the
photos and everybody's name is recorded.  I could never label my photos
without Tom's journal.  He's a pretty good assistant after 50 years of
training ;-)

Tina Manley

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