[Leica] Is this how pixels and dpi work?

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Tue May 10 22:41:49 PDT 2016

Some of the "magic" is the printer drivers... which have gotten much better
in the last few years.....  They up-scale for the ink jets (spitters), which
have resolutions of much more than 360DPI....

I had a friend that was totally focused on these issues.... and the word
constipated comes to mind....  

You are best off taking the image, then print it out using your chosen SW...
the computer programs will figure it all out for you...

I think I heard that a 4MP ( four, not forty) camera can print up to 8x10
images with "popular" image acceptability....or maybe it was 5x7... in any

Go make images....

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net
Subject: Re: [Leica] Is this how pixels and dpi work?

Image sensor to pixels, and pixels to printer dots, involve many image
conversion technologies that affect image qualities along every step of the
processing chain. You can't just map it one-to-one like you did.

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 12:26 PM, Lew Schwartz <lew1716 at gmail.com> wrote:

> My understanding:
> A 40mp sensor (for example) produces information for 10mp points of 
> capture due to the fact that the Bayer filter takes groups of 4 input 
> sites (GRGB) to produce a single point of capture record.
> If we have a full frame sensor, that would produce (@2:3) a capture of 
> aprox. 2582p x 3873p
> Assuming
> 1.  that the printer & software editors output 1 capture datum to 1 
> dot of print (&I understand that this is not necessarily the case)
>  -and-
> 2. that we output to the printer at 360 dots/in
> We would have a print of aprox. 7 x 11 inches.
> So is the up & down sizing so good that I can produce images of just 
> about any size I want? What's the practical limit on the up side?
> -Lew Schwartz

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