[Leica] Moon & Jupiter with 135mm Apo-Telyt-M

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Tue Mar 22 16:42:47 PDT 2016

Very nice work, Paul.

Just out of curiosity, is the infinity stop accurate enough for this 
sort of work, or do you have to try to focus with the camera's focusing 

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 3/22/2016 5:17 PM, Paul Roark wrote:
> There was a nice full (or close to it) moon last night.  So, I was curious
> how the 135mm Leica Apo-Telyt would do when shooting it with the Sony.  The
> result, cropped to show just the moon at 100%, is here:
> http://www.paulroark.com/Moon-at-100pc_DSC0769-1000iso-1000th-f45.jpg
> This was taken hand held with the Sony a7rii at 1/1000 second, IS enabled,
> 1000 iso, and f/4.5.
> There were some small, light clouds drifting by, and Jupiter was rather
> prominent in the sky just above the moon.  So I wondered if I could make
> something out of this combination.  See the shot I just put on my web home
> page here:
> http://www.paulroark.com/
> The clouds were quite a bit darker than the moon.  They needed 1/15 of a
> second exposure.  So, I was able to catch both the moon and the clouds by
> setting the speed to 1/125 and using the auto bracketing set to cover plus
> and minus 3 stops.
> The frame is cropped to an 8x10 ratio with pixel dimensions 5303x4243.
> You might be interested to see what viewers of a very large print might see
> if they focus carefully on Jupiter and the dark night sky around it.  Here
> is the 100% view of that part of the file:
> http://www.paulroark.com/Jupiter-3-21-2016-at-100pc.jpg
> I'm having my fun with this new Lecia M lens.
> Paul
> www.PaulRoark.com
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