[Leica] IMG: Was Amazon Cloud Drive; Now New Configuration

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Mon Mar 14 08:23:50 PDT 2016

Hi Aram,

Sorry to hear of your difficulties.  My son is still here, so I had him 
read your email.  His comments were as follows:  First, he assumes that 
both her computers are running Win10.  He would shut down all of her 
systems, including the router.  Then, start the router first, and let it 
get all the way up.  Next, start up the laptop and see if the network 
recognizes the drive.  Then start up the desktop, and see if it 
recognizes it as well.

His general advice was that, if you encounter a network problem, restart 
everything, including the router.  Many people don't think about the router.

Hope this helps.  He and I are still running Win7, so we are not up to 
speed on Win10.

If you have more questions, my son will be around a couple of more days.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 3/14/2016 9:23 AM, Aram Langhans wrote:
> Funny you should post this.  I bought a WD My Book for a friend so she 
> could access her photos from two separate computers.  Had it working 
> perfectly on my home system, connected to router, accessing from my 
> desktop and my laptop.  Moved it to her system and and it was working 
> perfectly, for one day.  Next day she calls me and she cannot access 
> her folder from her laptop.  I have been trying for a week now to get 
> access back. Works fine on her desktop, but does not show up in her 
> network on the laptop.  She is using Windows 10, like I was at home.  
> I can ping it fine, and can access it with WD software, but cannot map 
> the drive any longer.  I am ready to restore it to factory defaults 
> and start again.
> Glad yours is working fine.
> Aram
>> El 11 març 2016, a les 18:27, Jim Nichols <jhnichols at lighttube.net> 
>> va escriure:
>> Last week, I was pondering growing pains in storage requirements. 
>> Working with my son, the Systems Analyst, I have, hopefully, solved 
>> the problem for some time to come.
>> I purchased a WD My Book external drive of 8TB, connected with USB 
>> 3,on sale at Best Buy.  With that in place, I moved all of the photo 
>> files that I will likely access to a folder on that drive.  Then I 
>> cleaned up my eSATA backup drive and the C: drive.  I now have plenty 
>> of space for large photo files, system files and adequate space for 
>> system backups.  Photo backups are done periodically to bare hard 
>> drives.
>> The only lesson-learned in the process was this.  If you decide to 
>> run the Windows Disk Cleanup utility, DO NOT check the box to clean 
>> up Windows Updates.  That process failed, and it took 10 hours for 
>> the system to restore 2 years of Windows Update files.
>> Here is the Systems Analyst at work, an image done to check out the 
>> new system:
>> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/Systems+Analyst+at+Work.TIFF.html 
>> X-E1 with 35/2.0.
>> Comments and critiques welcomed.
>> -- 
>> Jim Nichols
>> Tullahoma, TN USA
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