[Leica] Nick Brandt's Inherit the Dust

Peter Dzwig pdzwig at summaventures.com
Fri Mar 4 15:18:59 PST 2016

I dunno. I am a great admirer of Nick Brandt and have a couple of his books
already and have been to his London shows, but somehow... I first saw the
elephant featured here in the Young Gallery in Brussels, where it introduced me
to his work as it were. Trouble with this is that the idea, though clever palls

IMHO he hasn't produced a work to compare with "A Shadow Falls", which (again
IMHO) is simply one of the best wildlife photography books ever. His production
let the animals speak for themselves.

This is just too clever and artificial in comparison. Striking, but...


On 03/03/2016 19:53, Richard Man wrote:
> Nick Brandt's Inherit the Dust is a phenomenal book. Printing mural size
> works form his trilogy "On This Earth; A Shadow Falls; Across the Ravaged
> Land" and placed them in situ, Mr. Brandt took panoramic images with the
> mural as part of the background, showing the further destruction of the
> land. The effect is startling. A book well worth owning.
> http://inheritthedust.nickbrandt.com/


Dr Peter Dzwig				

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