[Leica] IMG: The Ring - George

George Lottermoser george.imagist at icloud.com
Tue Jun 28 06:18:23 PDT 2016

No harm done Philippe.
Beautiful photographs shared.

Personally, I enjoy the stream of LUG consciousness
That occasionally expands our "threads."
And may send us off to see an other photograph.

I also love the LUG courtesy,
kindness and understanding;
with fresh coffee
and peanut butter on toast
in the morning

a note off the iPad, George

On Jun 28, 2016, at 1:42 AM, Philippe <photo.philippe.amard at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear George and dear Gerry, 
> (in alphabetical order ;-)
> I'm sorry I triggered the misunderstanding by reacting to a, I think it was Jim's, comment on cows require B&W.
> I had already commented on Gerry's photo as such, and still like it a lot, and agree that it could have done better without the head at the bottom, yet would lose balance in a crop.
> Sorry again for hijacking Gerry's thread.

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