[Leica] IMGS: Zoroastrian Fire Temple

Philippe photo.philippe.amard at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 00:26:18 PDT 2016

Come on john, be a sport, Tina hasn't added more colour than you usually subtract ;-)

Amities from sunny Alsace

Le 10 juin 2016 à 09:19, John McMaster <john at mcmaster.fr> a écrit :

> Even in a small JPEG they look processed to me :-(
> john
> -----Original Message-----
> Sorry you don't like it.  I do.
> Tina
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 5:44 PM, John McMaster <john at mcmaster.fr> wrote:
>> Glad I do not in that case ;-)
>> john
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Sometimes I use Color Efex Pro if I like the look. Have you looked at 
>> Stock sites lately?? Mine are very, very conservative!
>> Tina
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jun 9, 2016, at 4:47 PM, John McMaster <john at mcmaster.fr> wrote:
>>> So is that what gives what looks like boosted colours to many images?
>>> john
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> Thanks, Nathan.  I like that one.  I used Color Efex Pro applied a
>> little stronger than usual because I thought a "painting" look would 
>> be appropriate.
>>> Tina
>>>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 4:27 PM, Nathan Wajsman 
>>>> <photo at frozenlight.eu>
>> wrote:
>>>> That image is beautiful. It looks like a painting.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Nathan
>>>> Nathan Wajsman
>>>> Alicante, Spain
>>>>> On 08 Jun 2016, at 00:15, Tina Manley <tmanley at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> PESO:
>>>>> We visited the Zoroastrian Fire Temple in Yazd for a worship service.
>>>>> Ordinarily, non-Zoroastrians are not allowed in the room where the 
>>>>> Victorious Fire (Khordeh Avesta) is located but we went with our 
>>>>> friends from the cucumber farm and they talked us in.  Everybody 
>>>>> was very
>>>> welcoming
>>>>> once we got inside.  The rooms were very, very small and crowded 
>>>>> so photography was pretty difficult.  The fire itself is from 470 AD.
>>>> Almost
>>>>> unbelievable!!
>>>> http://tinamanley.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/Iran/G0000YmlbTddL
>>>> 96
>>>> g
>>>> /I0000Y3UKBocfwEk
>>>>> and hit previous for more.  I'm still having problems with the lines.
>>>>> Caitlyn from PhotoShelter affirmed that is not a problem with my 
>>>>> files
>>>> but
>>>>> thinks the transmission might have some hiccups.  She suggested I 
>>>>> reload them all.  Which I will get around to doing eventually!
>>>>> "The *Yazd Atash Behram*, also known as *Yazd Atash Kadeh*), is a 
>>>>> temple
>>>> in
>>>>> Yazd <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yazd>, to the west of Shiraz 
>>>>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiraz> in Iran. It was built in 
>>>>> 1934 and enshrines the Atash Bahram 
>>>>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atash_Bahram>,
>>>>> meaning “Victorious Fire”, dated to 470 AD. The sacred fire is 
>>>>> installed
>>>> in
>>>>> the temple behind an amber tinted glass enclosure. Only 
>>>>> Zoroastrians are allowed to go to the sanctum area of the fire."
>>>>> C&C greatly appreciated.
>>>>> Tina
>>>>> --
>>>>> Tina Manley
>>>>> www.tinamanley.com
>>>>> tina-manley.artistwebsites.com
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