[Leica] Question about LR... importing ...

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Sat Jul 30 15:32:54 PDT 2016

Understood... and all the keywords "migrate" seamlessly?

Note.. the catalog and the image files are on the Laptop in the Z: internal
HDD... My intent is to fie copy them to a external HDD, then do the
import... Right?

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

-----Original Message-----
From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+red735i=verizon.net at leica-users.org] On Behalf
Of Robert Adler
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 3:27 PM
To: Leica Users Group
Subject: Re: [Leica] Question about LR... importing ...

If the images AND the catalogue are on an external HDD, plug that HDD into
your desktop and in LR Import from catalogue. BUT, be sure to ADD, not MOVE
the photos.

If the new catalogue is on your laptop, select all your photos from your
laptop and export to catalogue onto an external HDD. Then attach the
external HDD to your desktop and do the procedure above.

Once you have imported from your catalogue on your external HDD (using the
ADD, not MOVE function), the images will show as existing on your external
HDD. WITHIN LR, grab the folders on the external HDD that your images are on
and drag them where you want in your desktop tree structure. This has to be
done in LR, not in Explorer or Finder. If you want to put these images into
a higher level folder, create that empty folder first in Explorer or Finder
then do the above.

Clear as mud??

Bob Adler
*"Capturing Light One Frame At A Time"*

On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Frank Filippone <red735i at verizon.net>

> The situation..
> We just went on a long trip.  I downloaded the images into a specific 
> folder
> (call it 123) and some sub folders (call it 456 and 789)   on my Laptop.
> have imported them into a fresh catalog ( let's call it  Bells)  into LR.
> I
> have sorted through the images, with developing modifications, color 
> and star ratings and new ( to me) keywords.
> Some of the keywords are unique ( at this point) to the new trip 
> catalog , others are common to my Laptop and Desktop. as in "color",
"2016", etc.
> I am now wanting to combine all of this onto my primary image HDD on 
> my desktop, into the catalog I use for everything else.
>   So it is a big merge effort.
> I can easily transfer the folders over to my desktop ( basically 
> sneaker-net using a portable HDD) .  But that does not get them into 
> LR on the desktop..
> How do I :
> 1)    Import all the images into my Desktop LR ?
> 2)    And how to merge the catalogs into one.?  *( I think I have read how
> to do this, but no harm in asking)
> 3)    Also importing all the new keywords with their attendant structures?
> 4)    Without duplicating any keywords ( laptop vs Desktop use some the
> same
> and other different keywords) nor images?
> 5)    Keeping the  folder directory structure intact?
> TIA..
> Some stats. there are about 100K images in the Desktop Master Catalog.  
> The Laptop trip catalog has an additional 5800 images, a lot of which 
> will be eliminated, later..after the big merge..
> Right now there is no duplication of images. I want to keep it that way..
> Frank Filippone
> Red735i at verizon.net
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