[Leica] PESO 07 27 16

Jim Shulman jshulman at judgecrater.com
Thu Jul 28 20:43:09 PDT 2016

Thanks, Ted.

This was one of many shots from this week's Democratic Party convention in
Philadelphia which has been, to say the least, interesting.

There were marches supporting Black Lives Matter, Bernie Sanders,
Anti-Fracking, Opposition to the TTP, and legalization of marijuana, among
others that I probably missed.

This shot was taken at a Bernie or Bust rally across from Philadelphia's
City Hall.

My favorite protest, though, was a counter-protest:  the Westboro Baptist
Church (a notorious bunch of nutjobs, who picket anything involving LGBT
rights.  They're also infamous for picketing military funerals) came to
town to protest in front of a LGBT health center.  Throw a convention, get
Westboro--akin to expecting ants at a picnic.  Westboro is also noted for
their "God Hates Fags" picket signs.

The counter protest featured signs that include:

God Hates Steak That's Well-Done
God Hates Broken Shoe Laces
God Hates Lame Signs
God Hates Potholes
God Hates Stepping in Dog Doo
God Hates When the Server is Down
God Hates Warm Beer
God Hates the Schuylkill Expressway

And my favorite....
Got Hates Single Ply


-----Original Message-----
From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+jshulman=judgecrater.com at leica-users.org] On
Behalf Of Ted Grant
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 10:52 PM
To: 'Leica Users Group'
Subject: Re: [Leica] PESO 07 27 16

Hi Jim,
Just a beautiful photojournalist moment caught!
It so beautifully illustrates the USA population.

Whether many of the crew like it or not! This is beginning, if not
How the USA population is perceived by other nations?
Now I know lots of you wont appreciate my comment?
But really? Relax and think a little hard of the images we see here daily?
Oh yes and seen by the millions if not billions of Plant Earth some what
human beings?
THANKYOU MR. ZUKERMAN and the other e-mail net works!
Dr. Ted Grant C.M.

-----Original Message-----
From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+tedgrant=shaw.ca at leica-users.org] On Behalf
Of Jim Shulman
Sent: July-27-16 7:05 PM
To: Leica Users Group
Subject: [Leica] PESO 07 27 16


M3, Summilux 50, Neopan 400

Jim Shulman

Wynnewood, PA

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