[Leica] Le Midi PAW 29

John McMaster john at mcmaster.fr
Sat Jul 16 11:31:07 PDT 2016

Thanks Douglas, is he #135? I did not see him in any of my other photos, but I was usually shooting their front where you cannot see a number...


-----Original Message-----

Excellent variety here John, though when you caught the tail of the peleton you didn't get Irishman Sam Bennett who is nobly holding the Lantern Rouge aloft for the nation after his bad crash.


----- Original Message -----
From: "John McMaster" <john at mcmaster.fr>
To: "Leica Users Group" <lug at leica-users.org>
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2016 8:32 AM
Subject: [Leica] Le Midi PAW 29

> More sport than usual and some transport this week. Euro 2016 final which 
> was a subdued affair, Le Tour and a local village car show. Latter had 
> quite a few Mustangs, a few standard cars and some classic Renaults - 
> A310, R8 Gordini and my favourite a 1300 A110 Alpine (lost the highlights 
> on it).
> http://johnmcmaster.com/PAW/2016/29
> C & C welcome
> john

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