[Leica] Stock Sales
Douglas Barry
imra at iol.ie
Wed Jul 13 05:22:50 PDT 2016
Gerry, I don't think Tina "is fighting for his/her place in the world as a
visual artist". I rather suspect that Martin Parr for instance doesn't use
Alamy. If one is serious about the uniqueness and intergity of one's own
artist vision, then you have to manage your own rarity to become a client of
one of the major galleries like Howard Greenberg who have serious clout in
the art world.
Here's a picture of famous Japanese photographer Hosoe Eikoh
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eikoh_Hosoe with Howard at Paris Photo back in
2010. What is Hosoe doing? He's showing Howard a selection of his latest
work at the time.
No rather, Tina is unfortunately like a specialist hand knitter who had a
large market for her well made sweaters. That market now been taken and
flooded with products produced on knitting machines. When only one item is
being produced in a slow and crafted way, buyers clamoured for it, now when
buyers are swatting well made sweaters away like flies, prices have to
tumble. It's the way markets work.
As Jayanand says "Money after a month or two is better than no money!", so
it's adapt time for photographers. After all, if you only make a small
number of items you want a high margin, so you'd prefer to see it sold in
Bergdorf Goodman or Fortnum and Mason rather than Walmart or Lidl. Wear an
expensive panama and a decent cravat, cut production, art yourelf up and
talk to galleries. The flood of images has meant photography as an art
medium is being noticed, and the photographic art market is growing. Look
for a piece of that pie.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerry Walden" <gerry.walden at icloud.com>
To: "Leica Users Group" <lug at leica-users.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Leica] Stock Sales
>I think Tina is thinking exactly like a business(wo)man and that is why she
>is commenting on the ludicrous level of stock sale prices that Alamy are
>now accepting. If you used to get $100 and you are now getting $2 you have
>to question why that has happened and it is not because of the quality of
>Tina’s images in any way whatsoever. It has more to do with the flooding of
>the market by iPhone images etc. Yes Alamy, once a leading stock image
>library, now accepts iPhone images.
> The other thing that worries me is that Alamy claim they have to price
> according to the buyers location because the buyers location dictates
> often what they can afford but these buyers are printing for major first
> world countries who can well afford the prices being asked for. Have you
> noticed the price of photobooks (for instance) going down. No, well there’s
> a surprise, but many of them are printed in third world countries that
> Alamy claims cannot afford the previous prices.
> All of this contributes to ever lowering esteem that photographers are
> held in, and all working photographers are quite justified in fighting
> that. "$2 in a month or two is better than no money” is rather a crass
> statement to make when the photographer is fighting for his/her place in
> the world as a visual artist.
> Rant over!
> Gerry
>> On 13 Jul 2016, at 07:30, Jayanand Govindaraj <jayanand at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Money after a month or two is better than no money!
>> I think if you see photography as a livelihood, you have to think like a
>> businessman.
>> Cheers
>> Jayanand
>> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 11:36 AM, Gerry Walden <gerry.walden at icloud.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I am having exactly the same problem Tina, and it makes Alamy virtually
>>> not worth dealing with, especially as you have to wait for months for
>>> your
>>> money.
>>> Gerry
>>>> On 12 Jul 2016, at 23:08, Tina Manley <tmanley at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> PESO:
>>>> Alamy just sold one of my Iran photos:
>>> http://tinamanley.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/Iran/G0000YmlbTddL96g/I00000eLhbB.WvH4
>>>> They sold it through a distributor for $7. My share is $2. I'll pay
>>>> for
>>>> the trip in no time at that rate!!!
>>>> Country: Czech Republic
>>>> Usage: Editorial
>>>> Media: Magazine - print, digital and electronic
>>>> Print run: up to 10,000
>>>> Placement: Inside
>>>> Image Size: 1 page
>>>> Start: 01 July 2015
>>>> End: 01 July 2020
>>>> Duration: 1 month. Bulk discount.
>>>> Tina
>>>> --
>>>> Tina Manley
>>>> www.tinamanley.com
>>>> tina-manley.artistwebsites.com
>>> http://www.alamy.com/stock-photography/3B49552F-90A0-4D0A-A11D-2175C937AA91/Tina+Manley.html
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