[Leica] Leica T lens on SL camera

Sonny Carter sonc.hegr at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 13:43:03 PST 2016

So, the bike is stationary, but the brain is traveling?   ;-)

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 2:41 PM, Jim Nichols <jhnichols at lighttube.net>

> While riding my stationary bike, this same thought occurred to me. The
> settings change may enable her to take pictures with the old firmware.
> It's worth a try.
> Jim Nichols
> Tullahoma, TN USA
> On 1/28/2016 2:35 PM, Frank Filippone wrote:
>> Yes, certainly a problem.......
>> Taking a more positive track.....  There may be a setting for T
>> lenses....?????  Cameras are a lot more complicated than a M.......
>> I think before you send the lens back from the supplier, or to Leica, ask
>> the question how it works together, and wait for the response.......
>> Do you know about the http://www.getdpi.com/wp/  group? ..... If you can
>> register there, ask the question.... there are a few SL owners... and a
>> few
>> pre- release testers that hang out there......
>> You might get an immediate answer......
>> Or.......What happens if you change sensor format ( 24x36 to APS-C)?
>>  From the instructions....
>> The Leica SL is a standard 35mm format camera, i.e. its sensor
>> size is approx. 24 x 36mm. You can limit the sensor area used to
>> the APS-C format though, i.e. to approx. 15.7 x 23.6mm.
>> APS-C should be utilized whenever using lenses designed for this
>> format.
>> Setting the function
>> 1. In the menu's IMAGE section, select Sensor Format, and
>> 2. in the submenu, the desired setting.
>> Notes:
>> . Using the smaller format with lenses designed for the 35mm
>> format results in focal lengths that are effectively longer (by
>> approx. 1.2x - the so-called 'crop factor'), and therefore also a
>> reduced angle of view (approx. 66%).
>> . This function can be assigned to the FAVORITES menu.
>> You can select the aspect ratio to be used for photos, i.e. the
>> relationship between the vertical and horizontal sides of the
>> format.
>> Setting the function
>> 1. In the menu's IMAGE section, select Photo Aspect Ratio, and
>> 2. in the submenu, the desired setting.
>> Note:
>> This function can be assigned to the FAVORITES menu.
>> Frank Filippone
>> Red735i at verizon.net
>> It won't take a picture with the lens attached.
>> Tina
>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 11:42 AM, Frank Filippone <red735i at verizon.net>
>> wrote:
>> The question that has not been asked.....
>>> What happens when you put the lens on the SL and take a picture?
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