[Leica] Fuji

Douglas Nygren douglasnygren at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 24 03:29:59 PST 2016

I have been using a Fuji X100S for some time. I use it a lot. Not everything is user friendly, but enough is and the results are great. 
I liked it so much I bought a Fuji XT-1 and have a dedicated 56mm lens on it.
Both cameras have great optics and great color.
What's not to like?
I still love to shoot with my Leica. I love Leica lenses. Leica M9  color in low light, however,is a problem. That has gotten better, but I haven't jumped.
I tried the new SL in Berlin. My feeling is that no matter how good a camera nor how great the lenses are,size and weight work against it. 
I'm tired of carrying heavy equipment around, especially when I travel around he world. 
The Fujis provide great optics, easy menus, and weigh much less. That's a pretty good winning combination for me.

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