[Leica] Color Astronomy With Monochrom

Robert Adler rgacpa at gmail.com
Sun Feb 28 10:10:53 PST 2016

I am hoping to get some guidance from the astronomy experts here. A little
research shows that by using what are called "LRGB" (Luminance, red, green,
and blue) filters with monochromatic sensors, one can combine the images
taken with these filters to come up with astrophotos with very true color.

Does anyone know where to get these special filters (they are not
associated with visible color, but more wavelength transmission). I would
either need Series VII (for the 21/1,4) and E46 for the 35/1,4 or 4x4
filters for a Lee holder (which I would somehow need to fit to my Leica
(Seven5 filters would be great, but probably impossible to find).

Any leads or experience would be greatly appreciated.
Bob Adler

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