[Leica] Eagle Pictures with the Nikon 200 - 500 VR Zoom

H&ECummer cummer at netvigator.com
Sun Feb 21 09:22:05 PST 2016

Morning Luggers,
We took the ferry yesterday morning, early, from Otter Bay Pender Island, over to the Mainland to Vancouver.

While in Calgary I purchased the newish Nikon 200 - 500 f5.6 Vr zoom and I took the lens on a Nikon D750
body along to the ferry terminal to photograph the eagle family if they showed up. They did fly in - in the early morning
sun - and I shot 380 shots in about 40 minutes. The shots were hand held - VR off - manual shutter at 1/2000,
lens at f11 or f8.0 and auto ISO up to 6400. The details for each photo are given on the folder page.
Here is the first picture:

<http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/BirdsCanada2016/DSC_3294C.jpg.html <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/BirdsCanada2016/DSC_3294C.jpg.html>>

Please view large and then shift right for four more images.

I am hoping to pair the 200 - 500 VR with the new Nikon D500 (when it is available) for a trip to Brazil that Jayanand and
Alastair plus significant others are going to make in August to shoot Jaguars in the Pantanal.

The problem with the D750 is insufficient buffer memory for the number of shots that I take at one time. Hopefully the D500
will be better - since its operating system is really based on the professional D5 system.

C&C always welcome.


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