[Leica] IMG: Airport Observations

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Sun Aug 14 14:02:41 PDT 2016

The temperature was a little more tolerable at the airport today.  A 
departing Piper 6-seater was the first activity, and joined the clouds 


After a break for lunch, the Twin Otter that carries sky divers took off 
with a load of jumpers and climbed rapidly.  I haven't timed him, but it 
takes approximately 15 minutes to get to 15,000 ft.


The tandem jumpers descend a little more gently than the singles, so are 
easier to photograph.  Here is a bright blue canopy, a multi-color, and 
a red and white.




And, as I started to leave, I noticed a home-built "Baby Ace" airplane 
having its fuel system calibrated at the fuel pump.


Comments and critiques welcomed and appreciated.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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