[Leica] Iran Update
Howard Ritter
hlritter at bex.net
Tue Apr 5 06:44:07 PDT 2016
Sounds like you’re having fabulous luck as well as a wonderful travel and people-meeting experience, Tina!
We’re all eagerly awaiting a sneak peek at your work from the trip. I wish you continued good travels and favored access.
Safe travels,
> On Apr 5, 2016, at 12:38 AM, Tina Manley <tmanley at gmail.com> wrote:
> Peso:
> An update from Iran. Wi-fi is very iffy and I had to get a VPN to get
> Facebook or see my own site so communication has been limited.
> We are having a great time! After an initial problem with my SL lens,
> which was remedied by advice from Leica, all 3 cameras are working fine. I
> did have a problem with the external hard drive that I'm using for a
> back-up. It seems to be working fine now, but because of that, I'm not
> downloading any cards until they get completely filled-up so I have no
> photos to show yet.
> The week in Istanbul photographing Syrian refugees was shortened by a day
> and a half because of delayed and cancelled flights but I did manage to get
> in a couple of days with Syrian children and families. If you ever run
> across a tour agency called Urban Adventures, it's well-worth going on
> their tours in many cities of the world to photograph ordinary people and
> families.
> .
> Our Iranian guide is wonderful! On the way in from the airport, we stopped
> and :shared picnics with Iranian families. Then he managed to get me and my
> cameras into the Ayatollah's Tomb where photography is normally forbidden.
> He has continued to do that everywhere, getting me permission to shoot in
> forbidden places and finding Iranians who are happy to share with us and be
> photographed.
> Today we are in Hamedan. Yesterday we visited Arak, the village where we
> used to live. It's now a megalopolis with hundreds of high-rise apartment
> buildings. We found the area where we used to live but couldn't find the
> house. Tom went by the plant where he used to work but when we lived here,
> it was in the middle of the desert by itself. Now it is surrounded by
> industry and commerce in a busy industrial complex.
> Our guide has promised many more adventures. It's cold here but beautiful
> with lots of snow in the mountains.
> I'll post photos when I get back home!
> Tina
> --
> Tina Manley
> www.tinamanley.com
> tina-manley.artistwebsites.com
> http://www.alamy.com/stock-photography/3B49552F-90A0-4D0A-A11D-2175C937AA91/Tina+Manley.html
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