[Leica] Sensor corrosion?

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Sun Sep 27 11:38:31 PDT 2015

 Not sure I agree.  Numbers = noise level in the complaint dept.  does not mean there is no problem.

if it is a real corrosion problem, it would be even a worse issue for Leica.. In RF cameras they have relatively no competition.  In MF, that is not true.  Note that I have not heard of this with any Leaf or Phase One MFDB.  Many of their sensors are made by Dalsa.

Kodak could have nade the same choice in cover glass....  
 Send it in and see what they say....if anything....

Found a Forum posting that calls out the problem glass and its replacement...

ONSEMI.COM, manufacturer of the KAF-18500 used in the M9, M Monochrom, and M-E, now has a new part number available for the KAF-18500 showing it available with BG55 glass. The S8612 version is also still shown.
New Part Number from ONSEMI, kaf-18500-fxa-jh-aa-bg55
The BG55 Data Sheet:
S8612 cover glass that caused the problems:
Schott also revised the S8612 data sheet recently, 2014 version shows "1 warning" for humidity instead of 2 as in the 2009 data sheet.
Will be interesting to see how the new sensor being installed by Leica was revised.

Edited by fiftyonepointsix, 30 June 2015 - 20:12.
ynp and menos I M6 said thank you to this

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

On 09/27/15, John McMaster wrote:

The S2 Kodak sensor is slightly different to the M9 and I think it is a
different covering glass... Some people have reported issues, but even
allowing for the difference in numbers sold I would say it is less of an
issue with the S2?


-----Original Message-----

If you Google... Leica M9 corrosion... You will see several images of the

I would like to repeat that the M9 corrosion was due to the coating on the
sensor glass. Would they have specified the same glass/ coating on the S
sensors? Maybe?
Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

On 09/27/15, Geoff Hopkinson wrote:

John I really think so. Were I in your place I might contact Wetzlar with
the screen grabs and get the camera to them ASAP to get this resolved. I am
sure tht you have followed a careful cleaning routine and so this will not
go away or get better. I would be surprised if Leica Camera don't do there
best to resolve this as soon as possible for you (as they should with a
defect of course).
If you haven't visited the new Leitz Park? If not and it is practical you
might take it in person and get the tour too!

On Sun, 27 Sep 2015 at 4:18 PM, John McMaster <john at mcmaster.fr> wrote:

> Just done another test shot with the S2-P: 180mm at closest focus and 
> f16, these are 100% screengrabs
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Chiaroscuro/Misc/SensorCorrosion2.png
> .html
> john
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+john=mcmaster.fr at leica-users.org] On 
> Behalf Of John McMaster
> Sent: Friday, 25 September 2015 7:58 p.m.
> To: 'Leica Users Group'
> Subject: [Leica] Sensor corrosion?
> To those who have had affected sensors, does this look like sensor 
> corrosion? These are screen grabs of 100% image and it does not look 
> like dust or similar..
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Chiaroscuro/Misc/SensorCorrosion.png.
> html
> john

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