[Leica] Save up your pennies... Quickly

Adam Bridge abridge683 at fastmail.com
Wed Sep 23 15:51:24 PDT 2015

it would be difficult to envision a camera smaller than the M that fits the descriptions floating around the internets. There’s only so much room for things like batteries, viewfinder, cards, all the stuff that has to be jammed into the camera to make it useable. 

Mirrorless cameras are complex critters.

I’m probably wrong but I’m thinking the form-factor might look more like a smaller R10 but skinnier.


> On 2015 Sep 23, at 3:24 PM, Richard Man <richard at richardmanphoto.com> wrote:
> Well Mark, lets not jump to conclusion yet. There is no indication that it
> will be smaller than an M. My bet is that it's bigger than an M, but
> smaller than an S. SL as in S-Lite.

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