[Leica] IMG: Unknown reptile

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Thu Sep 17 16:48:41 PDT 2015

Hi Douglas,

I tried looking for photos on-line, and thought about geckos, as well as 
lizards.  What puzzles me is that right front foot, which appears to 
have three toes.  Most photos I see show five.

The other peculiarity is that the broken line of spots on his back 
continues down the tail.  Many species have circular patterns on the 
tail, not a continuation of the body coloring.

Good luck!

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 9/17/2015 5:43 PM, Douglas Sharp wrote:
> Hi All,
> this little chap is the first reptile of this kind I ever saw in our 
> garden.
> Seems to be a quite young lizard, but I can't find any pictures of one 
> that looks anything like it (or is it a newt?)
> Would appreciate any help in finding out exactly what it is.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/d/416929-1/Lizard-1.jpg
> Location: Northern Europe (Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany)
> Equipment: Canon 20D / EF-S 2.8/60 mm Macro
> TIA for your help
> Douglas
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