[Leica] IMGs: 3 Camera coverage of Indian Summer

Herbert Kanner kanner at acm.org
Mon Sep 14 15:05:16 PDT 2015

The expression “loaded for bear” seems appropriate. That infra red shot is stunning. I think infra red could become a habit. I did meet a guy at an art gallery for which this happened. I think had had a custom sensor in his Cannon/Nikon (one or the other).

Herbert Kanner
kanner at acm.org

Question Authority and the authorities will question you.

> On Sep 14, 2015, at 11:38 AM, George Lottermoser <george.imagist at icloud.com> wrote:
> C & C always welcome and appreciated
> <http://www.imagist.com/blog/?p=10120>
> Regards,
> George Lottermoser 
> http://www.imagist.com
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