[Leica] IMGs: Finding the "right lens/film/sensor/camera" combination:

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Thu Sep 10 15:56:04 PDT 2015

Thanks.  I reviewed the list.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 9/10/2015 5:47 PM, Ken Carney wrote:
> Jim,
> If a lens is vulnerable to a hot spot, it gets worse as the lens is 
> stopped down.  Kolari 
> (http://kolarivision.com/articles/lens-hotspot-list/) says that your 
> Fuji 27mm is only useable at 2.8, which is probably OK anyway since 
> you'll need all the light you can get.  Based on my experience with 
> other Fuji lenses, I'm confident that auto focus will be fine.  With 
> your Leica lens, you can just magnify and focus through the EVF.
> Ken
> On 9/10/2015 4:20 PM, Jim Nichols wrote:
>> In my mind, the "hot spots" have no direct connection to focusing, 
>> unless, in their effort to get the total image focused in one plane, 
>> they have created the hot spot much as one does with a simple 
>> magnifying glass.  It could be an unexpected result of their pursuit 
>> of perfection.  But, I could be totally off-base here.
>> Jim Nichols
>> Tullahoma, TN USA
>> On 9/10/2015 4:04 PM, George Lottermoser wrote:
>>> On Sep 10, 2015, at 3:53 PM, Jim Nichols wrote:
>>>> What I have read this afternoon indicates that the latest Leica 
>>>> lenses are focus-corrected to such high wavelengths that, for all 
>>>> intents and purposes, no further correction is required.  Having no 
>>>> intention of making such an investment any time soon, I did not 
>>>> spend a lot of time following this back to its source.
>>>> Another slant on this was that Leica removed the IR index because 
>>>> it confused their customers, and that it is really only valid at 
>>>> infinity, anyway.  And, with zoom lenses, there are multiple 
>>>> correction settings depending on where the lens is in the zoom range.
>>>> Most folks seem to feel that some experimenting is necessary to 
>>>> find the most useful setting for the type of photography intended 
>>>> to be carried out.
>>> Interesting.
>>> Though my experience with the 093 IR filter from B+W
>>> contradicts the claim;
>>> at least for the 28 Summicron, 50 Summilux Asp, and 35 Summilux Asph.
>>> Perhaps these are no longer considered the "latest Leica lenses."
>>> Even if they did focus correctly;
>>> they still all produce the significant hot spots;
>>> and ever more prominently as you stop down.
>>> And yes the proof is, as always, in the YMMV pudding.
>>> Regards,
>>> George Lottermoser
>>> http://www.imagist.com
>>> http://www.imagist.com/blog
>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/imagist
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