[Leica] M lens vs. E-lens vs. u4/3 lens

Sonny Carter sonc.hegr at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 04:22:57 PDT 2015

Remember the third choice here; (maybe the first among LUGgers,)  the FE
cameras that have an e-mount but go full frame.   Several affordable
choices in that line.

On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 6:10 AM, Richard Man <richard at richardmanphoto.com>

> I know a number of you use the Sony E-mount cameras and a number of you use
> the Olympus/Panasonic u 4/3 lens. Any opinions on strength and weakness of
> each?
> Note I am interested in the lens, not the various bodies. Note2: I am aware
> the Sony E-mount cameras use APS-C sensor vs. Olympus 4/3 sensor.
> Finally, which system is more friendly with the Leica M lens? Mainly
> interested in the performance of the 35mm/50mm M lens.
> Thanks
> --
> // richard <http://www.richardmanphoto.com>
> // http://facebook.com/richardmanphoto
> // https://instagram.com/richardmanphoto
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