[Leica] New website now up

Leowesson leowesson at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 13:26:59 PDT 2015

Hi Chris, 

Nice site design and concept, nice work on the site!

Leo Wesson

> On Sep 3, 2015, at 14:42, chris williams <zoeica at mac.com> wrote:
> Separated my website so now I have just a personal site without “work” stuff.
> Comments/critiques welcome. I still need to do some tweaking for mobile.
> http://fromaboveandbelow.net/ <http://fromaboveandbelow.net/>
> Chris Williams I Zoeica Images
>   Documentary Photography
>     www.zoeicaimages.net
>           www.zoeica.com
>               504-231-6261
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