[Leica] IMG: Ctein

Howard Ritter hlritter at bex.net
Thu Sep 3 13:22:52 PDT 2015

Or Dumbledore?


> On Sep 3, 2015, at 4:20 PM, Richard Man <richard at richardmanphoto.com> wrote:
> Physicist, Photographer, (ex-) Dye Transfer and digital master printer,
> author of technical books, and now a SF novelist. A friend commented
> "Gandalf?" on seeing this photo - which might not be too far off.
> Search the phrase "Ctein Rasputin" to see a choice story by Michael
> Johnston on meeting Ctein.
> For the "Worldbuilders of SF&F" project.
> http://richardmanphoto.com/PICS/20150828-Scanned-1202.jpg
> -- 
> // richard <http://www.richardmanphoto.com>
> // http://facebook.com/richardmanphoto
> // https://instagram.com/richardmanphoto
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