[Leica] IMG: Saturday Redone

Herbert Kanner kanner at acm.org
Sat Oct 31 11:58:21 PDT 2015

Thanks to all re white balance. I just (ashamed of myself) didn’t notice the partially white object at the left margin, or I would have used it for balance. Instead, I just moved the slider until I saw the slightest suggestion of blue on the bedspread and decided to quit before I made it worse.

BTW: When I was in a photo club in England, one of the judges uttered the phrase: “Never look down on an animal." Well I took about a dozen shots of the two cats before I thought to get down on my knees for the last shot. When selecting a shot to publish, I picked the last one as the best without remembering until later that it was the one where I did not look down.

http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/herbk1/D"SCF2012.jpg.html <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/herbk1/D%22SCF2012.jpg.html>

Herbert Kanner
kanner at acm.org

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