[Leica] Friday Firearms

Susan Ryan skalte at icloud.com
Fri Oct 30 20:04:55 PDT 2015

Agreed. Personally, I would be motivated to make such an image BECAUSE I was so appalled by it. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 30, 2015, at 8:04 PM, Montie <montoid at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Well put, Mitchell.
> Montie
>>> Why should everything be explained? Is it not acceptable to have some
> mystery or vagueness to the image? 
> If a person documents an event or group, does that imply he or she is a 
> "blank" nut? 
> It is fair to not like the photo but I think it's unfair to assume anyone's 
> position on firearms or other topics just on the basis that they took a 
> photo of it.
> Mitchell
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 15:06, Mark Rabiner <mark at rabinergroup.com> wrote:
>> Its a meaningless (boring)  and crass image with a gun in it.
>> If there was a sign on the back wall what said " fundraiser for a 
>> children's
>> medical support agency "  it might make it vaguely interesting because of
>> the irony for those who read English. Other than that it has to be 
>> explained
>> in a caption.
>> Gun nuts doing their gun thing on the Lug has been always been shot down
>> I've long been glad to see.
>> Its not about image making. Its not about cameras. Its about guns.
>> Find a gun list. Show them your guns. Look at theirs. The rest of the
>> civilized world is appalled.
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