[Leica] OT: Help! How many Megapixels needed?

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Wed Oct 28 12:48:30 PDT 2015

The requirements of offset printing are a few categories away from the
requirements of inkjet printing as in lower.. Not even close to being in the
same league. Apples and oranges. Dancing and architecture.
A huge glossy quadtone coffee table book might need files which approach
what you'd want for an inkjet be interesting to check it out.
But more in general offset printing specs varies on size and papers and the
general quality of the printing if its quad tones or added lacquers or super
high quality paper.. When something is halftoned for reproduction the
resolution needs are generally dramatically reduced but a high magnification
inkjet print 11² x 14² to 16² x  20²  puts it many many leagues away from
any offset printing in general.  Certainly any magazine and hugely above any

On 10/28/15 1:04 PM, "Doug Herr" <wildlightphoto at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Larry Zeitlin wrote:

For people that want to produce 11² x 14² to 16² x
> 20² prints or publish their work in most consumer magazines, not display
> gigantic Colorama sized prints from minuscule portions of the frame area, does
> the number of pixels really matter? Inquiring minds want to know.
> Z

Yes and no.  For prints up to 18" x 24" (I haven't printed larger) the
> DMR's 10MP has been adequate to make gallery owners swoon, and there's no way
> I'd try printing a Kodachrome image that size and expect similar
> quality.

OTOH one of the stock agencies I'm working with has minimum pixel
> requirements and the DMR's 10MP doesn't leave a lot of headroom for cropping.
> The a7II's 24MP gives me a lot more cropping flexibility.  YMMV.

> Herr
Birdman of 
> Sacramento

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Mark William Rabiner

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